Sunday Night Scaries

Sundays are my favorites days... until about 9pm comes around. Usually, we don't have a big agenda on Sundays. We wake up and the day is ours. Today we got up, walked over to Starbucks with the dog, and enjoyed our Pumpkin Spice Lattes at the park. Simply blissful. The rest of the day usually consists of grocery shopping, a couple loads of laundry (love my fresh sheets on Sunday nights),  a few games of tennis and a lot of couch time. Couch time increases drastically during football season. For me, it just means more Pinterest time. Let's be honest, I could not care less about these games.

 How cute is the Sunday Funday sweatshirt? Love my Sunday comfy clothes!

For the most part, I don't have a care in the world on Sundays. But once 9pm hits, I start to put my mental  to do lists together for the week. Sales meetings. Client calls. Editorial calenders. Dry cleaning drop offs. Vet appointments. Work out classes. My mind starts spinning and I always think I won't have time to get it all done. 

Here are some ways I try and combat my Sunday Night Scaries:

- Don't check email on Sundays after 5pm - At that point, Monday morning is just as good.

- Sweat it out- I get my best thinking/planning/scheming/plotting done while I doing a cardio work out. Just ask my girlfriends who get paragraph long texts when I am on the elliptical.

- Read before bed - If you are actively reading, you can't be  actively stressing

- Don't leave work on Friday afternoon with something that has not been crossed off your list - If you are like me, it will loom over you all weekend! And that is no fun!

- Write it down - Making a physical list helps me realize that my tasks are achievable and the worry is all in my head.

Hope this helps!

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