It's Time to Whip out the Red Glitter!

I am the first to admit when I have a problem. Okay...that is not true, but I will admit it this time. I have a problem. It's called Impulse Shopping Syndrome. Symptoms flare up most intensely at Target, the shoe section of Nordstrom's, and Walgreens. Today, I went to pick up my prescription at Walgreens, and I left with a cart full of holiday decor. What a pleasant surprise to find so much red glitter at Walgreens! To be fair, I needed it. I know...need is a strong word. But it has been on my list for a while. Somehow I left all of my holiday decorations at my old apartment. At this point, who knows who has it. And Pottery Barn is too pricey. But so cute!

Usually I stick to the "wait to whip out the red and green til after Thanksgiving" rule, but when it is 20 degrees, that rule no longer applies. I will wait to get the tree, but the pumpkins officially got dumped.

The pharmacist was so pleased so check out all of my items!

I already had this vase, but I filled it with these red and gold glittery sticks from Walgreens. 2 for $3!

Turned out pretty cute!

I bought three of these trees, because at $6.99, why not?

Even a simple dinner table setting is more fun when there is Christmas glitter!

Just catching up on Grey's while I decorate. Love me some McSteamy! I made a make shift mantle with the TV stand. During this time of year, I REALLY wish we had a fire place.

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