I know I have said this so many times, but we have been absolutely showered with love and gifts since we have been engaged. It is really touching to see people so genuinely happy for us. The cards are piling up but I refuse to throw them out. I just love hand written notes. I always write thank you notes to family, friends, clients and who ever else I need to show some appreciation to! I literally could spend an hour in the Hallmark aisle at Walgreens. And I have always kept the birthday cards and thanks you's I have received.
I wanted to find a way to store these thoughtful cards gracefully, instead of stashing them in a drawer. Of course, I headed to Hobby Lobby on a mission. I ended up getting a cute chevron binder and a hole puncher. Now whenever we get a card, I will hole punch it and add it to our collection. I can't wait to pull this binder out years from now and read what everyone had to say!
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